A few years back, I learned that Kelly really likes Almond Joy and Mounds candy bars. I discovered it, quite by accident, while we were shopping together at an outdoor gear store. It surprised me, but it shouldn’t have as my mother, Eric & I are all coconut fans. I think food preferences (sometimes) run in families.
When I first started writing this blog, we were in the habit of drinking chocolate martinis before our Friday night pizzas during the cold winter months. They were and are both a cocktail and a dessert. (But they don’t preclude second dessert, in my book!) With Kelly in mind this month, I searched for an almond, coconut, & chocolate martini recipe on the internet. Unable to find one to our liking, I created one we love. Thanks for the inspiration, Kelly!

Almond Joy Martini
Almond Joy Martini (an original recipe by Linda J Heuser) Time Required: 5 minutes
Makes: 2 servings
- 6 ounces Pinnacle Whipped Vodka
- 1 ounce Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
- 1 1/2 ounces Amaretto
- 4 ounces coconut milk
- shredded coconut, for rimming glasses and sprinkling on top
Wet the top edge of the martinis glasses with water. Dip the wet edge of the glasses into the shredded coconut to rim the glasses.
Combine the vodka, chocolate liqueur, amaretto, and coconut milk in an ice-filled cocktail shaker.

Rim the glasses with shredded coconut.
Shake vigorously until the shaker is chilled, then strain the cocktail into the two martini glasses. Sprinkle additional shredded coconut on top of the drink, if desired.

Divide the cocktail between the rimmed glasses.
Here’s to you, Kelly! ~Linda
Almond Joy Martini (an original recipe by Linda J Heuser) Time Required: 5 minutes, Makes: 2 servings
- 6 ounces Pinnacle Whipped Vodka
- 1 ounce Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
- 1 1/2 ounces Amaretto
- 4 ounces coconut milk
- shredded coconut, for rimming glasses and sprinkling on top
Wet the top edge of the martinis glasses with water. Dip the wet edge of the glasses into the shredded coconut to rim the glasses.
Combine the vodka, chocolate liqueur, amaretto, and coconut milk in an ice-filled cocktail shaker.
Shake vigorously until the shaker is chilled, then strain the cocktail into the two martini glasses. Sprinkle additional shredded coconut on top of the drink, if desired.