Back in May, the Great Grill Debate was started. Gilbert wanted a charcoal grill for their new place & Kelly didn’t think it was necessary. Even though the defense had a great lawyer, the offense had public opinion on his side & Gilbert easily won the battle. Not only did Kelly concede, she bought the grill for Gilbert as his birthday present. Call it devotion, love or losing with grace on Kelly’s part, Gilbert was ecstatic. And he’s been grilling up a storm ever since. Protein, sides, vegetables, week days, weekends, doesn’t matter. He’s doing it all on the grill and having a great time at it!
Here’s a flank steak recipe for Gilbert & all grill lovers out there that won’t take up a lot of time. The steak is lightly seasoned & grilled and the cilantro pesto whips up quickly in a food processor for a summery flavor burst.

Cilantro Flank Steak
Cilantro Flank Steak (adapted from
Serves 6 Total time: 24 Minutes
- 1 1/2 pound flank steak
- 5 tablespoons olive oil, divided
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Montreal steak seasoning
- 1 1/2 cups firmly packed fresh cilantro leaves
- zest & juice of 1 lime
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
Brush the steak with 1 tablespoon of the oil then sprinkle the steak seasoning over it.

Coat the steak with a touch of oil then throw on the seasoning.
Over medium-high heat, cook the steak on the grill for 7 to 9 minutes on each side or to the desired degree of doneness.

Grill it up to the desired doneness.
Process the cilantro, lime zest & juice, garlic & salt together then drizzle the remaining 4 tablespoons of oil in the food processor while it is running until the mixture is smooth.

Whip up the pesto quickly in a food processor.
Cut the steak diagonally across the grain into thin slices and serve the sauce over the steak.

Quick, easy & from the grill!
This won’t take a lot of time to put together! ~Linda
Cilantro Flank Steak (adapted from
Serves 6 Total time: 24 Minutes
- 1 1/2 pounds flank steak
- 5 tablespoons olive oil, divided
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Montreal steak seasoning
- 1 1/2 cups firmly packed fresh cilantro leaves
- zest & juice of 1 lime
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
Brush the steak with 1 tablespoon of the oil then sprinkle the steak seasoning over it. Over medium-high heat, cook the steak on the grill for 7 to 9 minutes on each side or to the desired degree of doneness.
Process the cilantro, lime zest & juice, garlic & salt together then drizzle the and remaining 4 tablespoons of oil in the food processor while it is running until the mixture is smooth. Cut the steak diagonally across the grain into thin slices and serve the sauce over the steak.